2023 Vision Board

2023 Vision Board

Introducing my 2023 Vision Board! Vision Boards are a great way to keep the life you want right in front of you! It’s my favorite ways to visualize my future and help me stay on track with my goals. I’ve been using some version of a Vision Board for so many years, creating one is…

Me, Myself & I

Well, hello there! Welcome to Monday Motivational!….where I share motivational tidbits to get your week going. Let’s chat about Me, Myself & I, shall we! It’s a little thing I started doing for myself many years ago to separate my top 3 roles; Me (Kristin), Wifehood and Motherhood. We wear many ‘hats’ and way more…

Covid Got Me!

Covid Got Me!

It’s been two years since the Covid Pandemic started so I thought I was outta-the-woods. I’m vaccinated, stay away from people, and eat fairly healthy….but, it finally got me, the little Bastard! It started with a sore throat then chills, 101 fever, congestion, then a cough that, may or may not, have made me pee…