23 Before 2023 Printable

23 things to do before 2023 – Free Printable below! I’ve been doing this for almost 10yrs! First started in 2013, 14 Before 2014…. the list keeps growing! It’s so fun to come up with fun things to do for myself and with family during the Holidays, if I didn’t do this I’d get lost in the hustle of it all and miss doing things that I really want to for Christmas.

Here we go, all the fun things to be, do, and have, this Christmas season (bold are completed)…..
- Desert Star Tickets for our kids and spouses for early 2023.
November Personal Day – I do this every month of the year so November and December Personal Days took up two slots!Personal Day example! - December Personal Day – maybe I’ll go to the Christkindlmarket.
- Holiday Expo – All the Christmas things in one location! I went with my mom, sister, and nieces, so this one is checked off.
- 9th&Mayne 2023 Calendar – Create a calendar with my Illustrations. I’ve made Calenders before and I loved it so it’ll be fun to put one together again. They’ll be available in my Etsy Shop!
Holiday Pedicure! I’ll probably go RED!…. with glitter! We’ll see.- Wink Clique Lashes – Checkout Instagram Post! I’ve ordered these a few times and loved them. I’ve tried Habit, Vol 1, and Midi, so pretty but just too much for my eyes. I went with Minimalist this time so hopefully they’ll work for me. I love lashes!!
Build a Snowman – It’s currently snowing here in Utah so I think I’ll be able to check this one off tomorrow!- Design Christmas Card using our Family Photo.
Design Planner Pages – I loooove my personal planner and always purchase Kate Spade inserts but this year I thought I’d try designing them. I’m going to start with designing a monthly illustration and go from there. - Paper & Digital Christmas Cards – It’s been a while since I’ve sent Christmas Cards so I want to create digital cards to send to family and friends…unless I decided to send actual cards, I might.
Decorate Sugar Cookies – I haven’t decorated sugar cookies in forever! Looking forward to this!!- Christkindlmarket at This Is The Place Monument in SLC – Nov 30th – Dec 3rd – I’ve never been and I’ve lived in Utah over 20yrs! Christkindlmarket! Insta Story here.
- Anniversary Weekend – December marks our 19th year being married and 21yrs together! I’m planning something fun, maybe a weekend getaway! ––No time to getaway so we spent the weekend together doing fun stuff.
- Watercolor Painting – I haven’t painted in so long! Looking forward to getting my paints out!
- Order Plaid Pumps! – I want JCREWs Plaid Kitten Heels! I got the Red Tarten Plaid, they’re sold out but blue is available.
- Visit City Creek to see the lights and window displays
- Wrapping Party – (Update: We didn’t have much to wrap so it was an easy 1hr event. hahah!)I’ve been doing this for a long time time and I love it! It’s different now tho, with only 1 kid at home and the adults usually get money. It’s a day of wrapping all gifts (gotta have all your shopping done before). I invited friends over and they brought all their gifts, we ate yummy treats and each wrapped all our gifts! It’s way better than staying up until 3am to wrap on Christmas Eve, omg never again!
- Holiday Kickoff Party – We do this every year at the beginning of December with our kids. We make our famous Swiss Baguettes, cookies, veggies and all the goodies. We decorate, watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, laugh and just enjoy each others company. {I didn’t get any pics, lame!}
- Plan a Mom-Away – (Update: My sister and sisn’law are going to Moab for a Mom-Away/Goal Fest) I want to gather a few moms in the beginning of 2023, sometime between January and march, for an overnighter or two. I want to plan it like a little retreat.
- Family Photos – We haven’t had Family Photos for a while and it’s been two years since Kayla passed so it’s time.
- Word of the Year – Every year I choose a word for that year, something to focus on that aligns with me and my goals. In 2017, my Word was Intentional, I wanted a way to remember my word so I ordered a bracelet off Etsy with Intentional stamped into it. I still wear it to this day!.
- New Vision Board – It’s that time of year again, break out that Vision Board and take everything off and remake it! I love doing this! It’s fun to do as a family too!
- 2023 Goals – New Year, it’s time to adjust goals, review what went well last year and what I want to accomplish in 2023. I love doing this the week between Christmas and New Year!
- Pink Hair! – I want Lots of Pink in my Hair!! Like Cotton Candy but brighter! It’s so fun!
- BONUS: Family Staycation – We’re trying to plan something fun with our kids, a Staycation in Utah. We’d like to go to Evermore, Ice Castles, and ride the Heber Valley ‘Polar Express.
(Update: Even though I didn’t do all the things on my list, I had fun trying! For as long as I’ve been doing this, I’ve never actually completed the whole thing. It’s just a way to remind myself of the things I’d like to do. I look forward to this every year! Until next year! 24 before 2024, oh boy that’s a lot!)
Well, that’s it! 23 Before 2023! I’m off to a good start so we’ll see how far I get, hopefully we can accomplish all of them!
As promised, here’s your 23 Before 2023 Printable . If you decide to try this out, I’d love to hear what you think or how it went for you!

I hope you enjoy making your list! Use Google to find local things to do, or a new coffee shop, etc. Just have fun with it and it’ll be a fun new addition to your Holidays!
I’d love to hear how you’re using your 23 before 2023 printable, so leave a comment below, or share on instagram and tag me!