7 Tips for Creating a Personal Day

About 13yrs years ago I started scheduling a monthly Personal Day while my kids were in school. I had seven kids at home when I started this so this day meant freedom from the everyday. I set aside one day a month that was just for me to do what I wanted. I scheduled hair appts, nail appts, etc., but mostly it was a private lunch by myself, watching Murder She Wrote on my phone while eating In N Out, shopping for hours, and a stop at See’s Candies on my way home. I still look forward to this day every month!
Why do you need Personal Days? For me, I had 7 kids and this mom needed a break, something to look forward to every month. Aren’t our lives dedicated to our little humans so they can grow up happy and healthy?! Isn’t that what we signed up for? Short answer and the answer I stand by 110%, no. Motherhood, whether we stay home or working outside the home, we need to invest in ourselves and take time for ourselves. Our kids need to see us prioritizing things we love, hobbies, self care, education, etc., outside of them.
Funny story, several years ago one of my middle school kids got in trouble at school. He informed his teacher she couldn’t call me because it was my Personal Day. hahaha! I didn’t find out for weeks until his teacher and I were talking about how he was doing.

7 Tips to creating your own Personal Day:
- Schedule it! Make it a priority! Set the same day every month if possible. I’ve been using the 3rd Thursday of every month since I started. It’s easy to remember and it’s routine now.
- Make plans. Maybe a movie, go on a drive, a painting class, tour a museum, do whatever you want and refuel that soul of yours! My pdays are very similar every month and I love it!
- Invite someone, or not. I’m a Personal Day snob so I rarely share my day with anyone, but it has happened a couple times.
- Don’t feel guilty! Say it with me, Do Not Feel Guilty! Dishes and laundry can wait. The house will be fine. Just go!
- Invest in yourself! Your kids are watching, let them know you value yourself by making plans outside of Motherhood. (refer to #4)
- Dress up! Leave the leggings at home. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good pair of leggings/yoga pants but this is your day, put on those skinny jeans and have some fun.
- Take pictures & Journal! I didn’t do this but I wish I had, 13 yrs x 12 months is 156, I wish I had journaled and taken pictures of where I went, taken a selfie, even just one snapshot would’ve been awesome. I’m planning on starting this on my next Personal Day.
When I started this 6 of our kids were in school all day and our youngest was a toddler so he came along a few times, he hated the store and still does to this day, so I got a babysitter for a couple hours. As he started school I was free to go and do what I wanted. If you have little kids just start somewhere, even an hour is something to look forward to.
What will you do for your Personal Days? I’d love to hear how it goes and/or what works for you!