January Family Activity

For the last few years our family has tried to get together every month to do something fun. It’s the best way I can think of to spend time with my favorite people, especially now that they have there own lives….doing amazing! imho

It’s not the best picture but it’s one of my favs so far this year. My daughter-n-law photoshopped our son (top left/red hat) who couldn’t make it because he was out of town and our sweet daughter (center top) who passed away November 2020.

Each of us is assigned a month to plan an activity. This month was my husbands choice, we met at Applebees, one of our family’s favorite hangouts together. It’s always tons of laughs, good food, and a whole lotta love!

Our waitress snapped this original picture below and I’m so glad she did! It’s been my goal to take more photos of our Family Activities but I’m always having so much fun that I don’t think about it.

I love these people so much and my life is amazing because of them!

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